NFT Mint Limit Guard


The NFT Mint Limit guard restricts minting to holders of a specified NFT collection and limits the amount of mints that can be done for a provided Token Metadata NFT. It can be considered as a combination of the NFT Gate and Mint Limit Guard, based on NFT Addresses instead of wallets.

The limit is set per NFT Collection, per candy machine and per identifier — provided in the settings — to allow multiple nft mint limits within the same Core Candy Machine.

Guard Settings

The Mint Limit guard contains the following settings:

  • ID: A unique identifier for this guard. Different identifiers will use different counters to track how many items were minted by providing a given NFT. This is particularly useful when using groups of guards as we may want each of them to have a different mint limit.
  • Limit: The maximum number of mints allowed per NFT for that identifier.
  • Required Collection: The mint address of the required NFT Collection. The NFT we provide as proof when minting must be part of this collection.

Set up a Candy Machine using the NFT Mint Limit guard

create(umi, {
  // ...
  guards: {
    nftMintLimit: some({
      id: 1,
      limit: 5,
      requiredCollection: requiredCollectionNft.publicKey,

API References: create, MintLimit

Mint Settings

The NFT Mint Limit guard contains the following Mint Settings:

  • ID: A unique identifier for this guard.
  • Mint: The mint address of the NFT to provide as proof that the payer owns an NFT from the required collection.

Note that, if you’re planning on constructing instructions without the help of our SDKs, you will need to provide these Mint Settings and more as a combination of instruction arguments and remaining accounts. See the Core Candy Guard’s program documentation for more details.

Mint with the NFT Mint Limit Guard

You may pass the Mint Settings of the Mint Limit guard using the mintArgs argument like so.

mintV1(umi, {
  // ...
  mintArgs: {
    nftMintLimit: some({ id: 1, mint: nftToVerify.publicKey }),

Route Instruction

The NFT Mint Limit guard does not support the route instruction.

NftMintLimit Accounts

When the NftMintLimit Guard is used a NftMintCounter Account is created for each NFT, CandyMachine and id combination. For validation purposes it can be fetched like this:

import { 
 } from "@metaplex-foundation/mpl-core-candy-machine";

const pda = findNftMintCounterPda(umi, {
  id: 1, // The nftMintLimit id you set in your guard config
  mint: asset.publicKey, // The address of the nft your user owns
  candyMachine: candyMachine.publicKey,
  // or candyMachine: publicKey("Address") with your CM Address
  candyGuard: candyMachine.mintAuthority
  // or candyGuard: publicKey("Address") with your candyGuard Address
const nftMintCounter = fetchNftMintCounter(umi, pda)