Core Candy Machine

Launch your next MPL Core Asset collection on Solana.

Read our documentation to create your own applications and drops with the Metaplex Core Candy Machine.

A screenshot of a mint page in the Creator Studio web app



The leading minting and distribution program for fair NFT launches on Solana.

Metaplex Candy Machine is a tool that allows creators to sell or distribute large-scale NFT collections by simplifying complex processes and adding customizable rules such as time gates, supply limits, and anti-bot protections to ensure fair access for every buyer.

As the name suggests, its mechanism works like a candy machine: creators load it with candies (NFTs), and buyers obtain them, without possibility of choosing, by paying SOL or SPL tokens.

Note: This is the Metaplex Core version of Candy Machine, if you want to mint Metaplex Token Metadata NFTs please refer to Candy Machine V3 instead

Getting Started

Choose your preferred language or library and start building with Candy Machine.


Explore ready-to-use examples for implementing Candy Machine.

API Reference

Browse the JavaScript API documentation.

API Reference

Browse the Rust API documentation.